COVID-19 has forced many organizations to promote teleworking among their employees. This circumstance makes visible the benefits of having implemented digitization strategies in companies against which they had not focused on this reality.
Do your employees have the necessary digital skills to telework?
Teleworking is closely related to a change in mindset that affects how we behave in this new digital environment: how teleworking translates how we are facing the digital transformation process that all companies are experiencing. What skills should we have? Faced with a VUCA environment, employees must develop digital skills related to decision-making, with the ability to create relationships in different contexts and with the autonomy to filter, generate and disseminate content in their companies and professional careers.
1) Agility in decision making: paraphrasing the text “You will learn” by Shakespeare: the world does not stop until you fix your problems, the world continues both for companies that are already in digitization processes and those that have been found with teleworking by imposition before the current Alarm Status.
2) Anticipation in digital contexts: anticipating what can happen in a digital environment puts you in an advantageous situation compared to the lack of knowledge of finding the problem once it has happened. In teleworking, this anticipation allows us to foresee what will happen and establish a plan for it.
3) Flexibility for transformation: those with this underdeveloped competence find themselves uncomfortable with telework these days since the conceptual framework of this task has been changed without prior notice. That generates discomfort and lower productivity than they have. in controlled environments.
4) Assumption of uncertainty and risks: assuming that we are in a moment of hesitation and controlling the emotions generated by it is essential in these times.
5) Digital influence: having the ability to impact your audience is critical in any process of adaptation to the new environment, and now it becomes crucial when conducting videoconferences for work, online conferences, virtual product presentations …
6) Collaboration in the environment: are you one of those who provide information or those who protect it?
7) Integration of diversity: we are in moments of embracing diversity and enriching ourselves with the difference of each one of us.
8) Emotional management online: although currently, emotional intelligence is heading towards the moment of isolation, the control of emotions is critical in any telework environment in particular or in any process of adaptation to the new digital environment in general.
9) Search and selection of content.
10) Critical content analysis: when news and content are disseminated, being able to filter relevant information and know who you should offer it to and in what way it is a highly demanded value.
11) Elaboration of contents.
12) Effective dissemination of content.
Now that you know the digital skills that an employee must have to telework and successfully face a digital transformation process in a company, you will ask yourself: how can I know if my team or I have developed these skills?
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