Due to the constant evolution of technology in recent years, education has also been an area that has been influenced by it. When a person wants to know something, he looks for it on the Internet, since it is a tool that contains a lot of information that facilitates learning.
That is why online training has appeared as a form of education, thanks to this method many more people can study what they want. Different virtual learning platforms for e-learning have appeared for studies or workers, which facilitate learning for any institution.
In this article we are going to explain what online training is and what its advantages and disadvantages are, because perhaps you are considering taking a course or your company has proposed that you join an online training process.
Here we go!
What is online training?
Before explaining the advantages and disadvantages of studying online, we have to explain what online training is. In general terms, it can be said that online training is a study that a person carries out remotely through a platform connecting to the Internet. These people can study anywhere they are, since they do not have to go in person.
It may happen that the training implies that you are present at a specific time or that you have to connect at a specific time. The materials or activities that you have to use or carry out for these courses are varied, depending on the type of study you are doing.
There are three different modalities through which online training is provided:
- E-learning . It is an English abbreviation, which means: “ electronic learning ”, which in Spanish the translation would be: “ electronic learning ”. You can already imagine more or less what he means, right? This way of learning gives you great flexibility and much more personalized content.
- Blended-learning , means that it is blended learning, that is, learning is online and in person. You have to take some classes through e-learning and others go to the center.
- Mobile-learning is learning that is done through the mobile phone. From said device you can access the educational platform and work with the different contents.
Advantages and disadvantages of online training
You already know what online training is, now what is necessary to know what are the advantages and disadvantages it has.
In this section we are going to explain it to you! We are going to give you 5 advantages of online training:
- The first advantage that we want to mention is that you have flexible hours to do your training when you consider yourself.
- These studies being online, you can do them from anywhere you are.
- The third advantage is that you save time and money on trips.
- In addition, you can talk with the teacher and with the students in specific spaces that have the platforms for debate.
- And finally, learning is very enjoyable , because the material to study is very interactive with multimedia materials and much more. Different activities are carried out to make learning more entertaining.
Next, in contrast to the advantages, we are going to tell you 5 disadvantages:
- The first inconvenience is that you depend on your Internet connection , it has to be good and not missing because if not, you cannot enter the platform.
- Normally this does not usually happen, but for a person who is not good with technology, this type of teaching can be a problem.
- It is very important that the activities that the students have to carry out are well explained. If this is not the case, it may happen that you lose interest or do not get the most out of learning.
- Fourthly, this type of teaching is for responsible people who are very involved in what they are studying. Because it’s up to you to connect and do the things you’ve been told to do.
- Finally, this inconvenience is more for people who want to do an online course on their own, you have to pay close attention to the type of certificate there is. There are currently many training offers on the Internet, not all of which are reliable or are worth what you want to achieve.
Online training and distance training are not the same
We also want to clarify that online training is not the same as distance training. The main difference is that online learning platforms are not used in distance learning . The training center or the company provides the materials to the student or worker, for example, books .
That is when the student learns in a self-taught way and has a teacher assigned for any questions they have. Just like online training, you can learn anywhere and you don’t waste time traveling.
The great disadvantage of this learning method is the fact that the way of learning is less varied, since interactive tools are not used. Also, you don’t communicate with other students, you just study to pass and get your degree.
Also Read : How To Design The Training Itinerary For E-Learning