Good quality management is the basis of development and production in every organization. However, guaranteeing this is a major challenge. The company-specific measures that are necessary to meet the applicable norms and quality standards are so numerous and complex in their networking today that it is hardly possible to meet all requirements without a central management structure.
What to do?
In order to keep the quality standard high, careful process description and documentation is essential. This often leads to a large, opaque collection of documented information that cannot be organized in the long term. Database-oriented process management tools help to keep guidelines, process descriptions and individual components such as associated documents, resources and responsibilities up to date. However, to see the processes intertwined with many different topics across the organization requires a different approach.
The solution is the holistic control of all measures. This includes not only individual processes, but also the corporate strategy as well as all individual projects and all management processes that converge at one point for central administration. A measure management system helps here, which enables the integration of all relevant points, such as quality, information security, data, occupational and environmental protection, etc., as well as their direct integration into corresponding measures and processes.
The goal is therefore not to treat standards and processes as separate elements, but rather to make them part of firmly embedded workflows, the implementation of which is standardized and specified. The workflow is made considerably easier with the help of company and process-specific templates that do not require any special knowledge to be configured and edited. This should make it easy to record and control all measures, while remaining transparent and easy to evaluate.
This completely digital documentation has the advantage that all references to a measure can be taken into account and made accessible centrally in the company network. They are also easy to keep up to date and the latest version can be called up at any time from all workstations with access authorization, which significantly minimizes the administrative effort. The central control also guarantees a better overview, which in turn enables faster and more effective work. All employees always have an eye on the tasks relevant to them and their processing progress as well as deadlines, which means that everyday work can be structured easily and clearly.
What is the added value?
But not only the workforce benefits – for example, the utilization of individual areas in the company and the necessary provision of resources can be precisely monitored, which reduces machine downtime and improves time management. Another significant advantage is the standardization and simplification of internal communication All employees have equal insight into processes and decisions, which noticeably minimizes the risk of conflicts and misunderstandings. Here they not only have insight into the measures for the implementation of standard requirements, but often also into the measures from internal and external audits and those of the management. The greater the transparency and the lower the potential for conflict, the healthier the corporate culture.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control Is Often underestimated. It is both a continuous process and a challenge, especially in complex corporate structures. If the system does not work properly, it complicates everyday work and inhibits workflows. The result: dissatisfied employees, dissatisfied customers, defective products and rising costs. However, evaluations of the workflow data show a significant increase in efficiency at the workplace and in customer satisfaction through central action management. In addition, employees also gain a better understanding of customer requirements, which can ultimately be cyclically integrated into development processes. Good quality management that follows and lists measures is a benefit for employees,
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